Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Speechless Moment

Oh Yeah, it’s real touching! I guess I’m just not use to this happy moment that I’m go through now. The happiness moment been covered by lot's of worries. I'm just too Confusing with “What’s” the right choice for myself?

I’ll need to admit I feel uneasy when it comes to decision issue; I’m over worried with the unexpected issue. I know I should focus on the happiness enjoy the moment don’t think about those yucky stuff on today. Give myself a certain time frame then only think about the answer. But I’ve no idea why I feel extremely uneasy. So again, blame to my previous failure I’m coward to move; I run away while I’m force to face the reality. Sigh… I feel disappointed to my bad attitude!

Please tell me What to do? Should or shouldn’t? Obviously, I think I should get my ass back to bed, stop focusing on the negative part; try to relax and enjoy the moment I’m having…..

Ignore..Ignore..Ignore..Cheer…. ↖(^ω^)↗

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